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Many people believe that astrology actually predicts the future. But does it? In this experiment, we'll put astrology to the test, and explore the relationship between what we believe happens and what ...

How easily distracted are we? In this study, you will have subjects read aloud three different sets of words that describe numbers; for one set, the word will be written in the same color ink as the w ...

In this study, you will ask students to anonymously complete an on-line Big Five personality test, and also to provide you with information about the number and birth order of children in their family ...

In this experiment, we'll discover how and why certain parts of our bodies are more sensitive than others, and we'll learn about the receptive field, the part of a sensory neuron that feels for us.It ...

In this project you will explore the scientific literature on stereotypes, "good" and "bad," as well as the known consequences, positive and negative, of stereotypes. In addition, you will learn about ...

In this project you will discover the smallest, lightest touch we can detect, learn about tactile receptors, tactile discrimination, and receptive fields, and learn about the peripheral and central ne ...

How does conforming help us to survive? This project replicates a famous experiment conducted by social psychologist Solomon Asch in the 1950s, which reveals how easily people can be influenced by oth ...

In this study, subjects will complete an emotion and mood questionnaire. Then they will be exposed to one of the two scents.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of th ...

A "Just Noticeable Difference," or JND, is the smallest detectable difference between a starting and secondary level of a particular sensory stimulus--in other words, the difference between a one doll ...

Discover how quickly our fingers respond to what our eyes se. Learn the anatomical and physiological differences between central and peripheral visual systems. Learn about the functions of the photo ...